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How to Setup Webpack and Babel

How to Setup Webpack and Babel

You may be using ES6 or ECMAScript 2015. Not all browsers support all of the newest features without a transform. In this Webpack 5 video tutorial, I’m going to show you how to set up Webpack with babel-loader to compile ES6+ into ES5.

How to Setup Html Webpack Plugin

How to Setup Html Webpack Plugin

In this Webpack 5 video tutorial, I’m going to show you how to generate HTML files to serve your Webpack bundles automatically, and this is especially useful if Webpack bundles include a hash in the filename, which will change on every compilation. Webpack will do this for us with the help of the html-webpack-plugin.

How to Setup Webpack Dev Server

How to Setup Webpack Dev Server

In this Webpack 5 video tutorial, I’m going to show you how to set up a Webpack dev server. It will allow us to set up a development web server that will watch our project for changes. And it will automatically reload our project when things change.

How to Install Webpack 5

How to Install Webpack 5

In this Webpack 5 video tutorial, I’m going to show you how to install Webpack 5 and Webpack CLI, run the Webpack from the command line, create a Webpack config file, set up an NPM script to run Webpack, and finally run Webpack in watch mode.